Fig. 18

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Contemplating the Composition
Considering it as composed of 1 + 6, there emerges the area where the Triangles of duality, in the hexagram, superimpose on each other. This combination with the central One suggests creativity and inspiration, prerequisites for the expression of beauty, harmony and style in life as well as in art. This influence can also be experienced in the ardour of sexual union, and give rise to the formation of the new, leading to conception and birth.

Regarded as the 2 + 5, we find duality of the Two influenced by the sacral qualities of the Pentagram. This causes a tendency to harmonisation between the two poles of duality. On the other hand, the effect of duality on the Pentagram causes tension within it and to an energetic tensing of its seven points. The mutual influence causes a tendency to coincide, resulting in an integration of its qualities.

Regarded as a Triangle over a Square, resulting in 3 + 4, the Triangle causes a spiritualisation and at the same time the intellectual and spiritual sides of the Triangle receive a solid basis in reality. All this results in a consolidation and at the same time dematerialization.

Because of the dissolution of the world and the general consolidation and sublimation, the SPIRITUALISATION of the material aspects of things is achieved. The notion of the spiritualisation of existence is founded on the ever-presence and the almightiness of God, who causes the impulse to ‘return to Unity’ in all creation.

Tensions are being harmonised, the darkness penetrated by the Light, hatred, which destroys the subtle part of our being, is transformed to mildness. The relinquishment of all attachment is furthered and the bound ego liberated.

The qualities of the seven individual points of the Heptagram can be understood by referring them to the symbolism of the mythical gods of the solar system, the names of whom have been associated with the days of the week.

Naturally the Sun would be at the zenith, flanked by the Moon and Saturn, creating a Triangle of the most celestial bodies. The remaining four planets form a Trapezoid together.

When a line is drawn parallel to the base in a unilateral Triangle, a Trapezoid appears suggesting a Triangle (by prolonging its sides upwards). In the present instance the apex of the Triangle would reach beyond this schematic system, right into the archetype of darkness, Nyx. On the upper level of the Tapezoid we find Mercury and Venus, those planets which circulate closer to the Sun than we do on Earth. Mars and Jupiter circulate further away.


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Adhikara Art Gallery

The Order in Creation
in Number and Geometry

Adhikara Art Gallery
updated 03.02.23


Adhikara Art Gallery
updated 03.02.23