Fig. 17

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The Complexity of Operating Influences

In the middle of the two overlapping Triangles emerges a Hexagon. The Triangles outside are projected inwards because of the principle of reflection. This is a projection of the absolute, of the cosmic Being onto the relative differentiation within the Hexagon.

The Hexagon consists of two sets of six lines of relationship that signifies harmony between the light and dark Triangles. The external cosmic lines do not touch each other, but those within the Hexagon form a unity of relationships together.

A Triangle, by its nature, causes differentiation and this causes a mutual approach in the six Triangles of the Hexagon. Out of this two different combinations result, according either to the principle of unity, or of duality.

The principle of unity: in this case the physical forms, which are projections of the cosmic ones, draw in mutual harmony to the centre and dissolve into the primal ONE.

The principle of duality: in this case two pairs of dark and light Triangles emerge, which together strive to unite.

Cosmic Influences Shown Geometrically

Hereby the astrological archetypes can be taken into consideration in the order to differentiate between the pairs.

In this manner the pair Venus and Mars suggests male and female, love and hate, art and work etc. The pair, Moon and Saturn, suggests youth and old age, birth and death, abundance and want, etc. Mercury and Jupiter bring the aspects of intellect and wisdom, detail and totality, small and large etc.

The inner structure of the Hexagram shows the world in its diversity. The polarities are projections of the eternal, metaphysical and archetypal values of the two primal Triangles that represent the level of Being. Those Triangles which are formed outside the inner Hexagon suggest: the Fire Triangle - in the apex; Light, in the right corner; Love, and in the left corner; Consciousness. The Water Triangle – at the lower point; Life and Fertility, in the right corner; Agape and Beauty, in the left corner; Truth and Transformation.

In the middle of the Hexagon, as mutated, a CUBE emerges. It is recognisable as a three-dimensional perspective of the Hexahedron.


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Adhikara Art Gallery

The Order in Creation
in Number and Geometry

Adhikara Art Gallery
updated 03.02.23



Adhikara Art Gallery
updated 03.02.23